The latest book from author John Robbins, No Happy Cows: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Food Revolution, reveals the truth: Contrary to industry propaganda, there are no happy cows in modern industrialized agriculture. It also gives powerful and useful resources to help you thrive. Check it out and spread the word!
Tag Archives: animal cruelty
Skin Trade India: Exposing the Truth about India’s Leather Industry
A new video takes an unflinching look at India’s gruesome leather trade. In the video footage, cattle are tied together with ropes through their noses and beaten mercilessly in forced “death marches” over vast distances. During the marches, cattle collapse from hunger, exhaustion, injury and despair. Handlers force the cattle to continue by breaking the animals’ tails at each joint (the human equivalent of having a finger broken) and by rubbing tobacco, chilli peppers and salt into the animals’ eyes.
The cattle are never offered food or even a drop of water. Illegally crammed into severely crowded trucks, many cattle, including mothers and calves, are trampled or gored during the long journey to slaughter. By the time they arrive, some of the animals are already dead. Many others are so sick and injured that they must be dragged inside, where workers cut the animals’ throats by sawing back and forth with dull knives. Completely conscious animals are left to slowly bleed to death. Some have their legs hacked off while they’re still conscious or suffer the agony of being skinned alive.
You can help put a stop to this cruelty by going leather-free and sharing the video with your friends.
Compassion begins with awareness. Please watch the video here and forward the link to your friends and loved ones.
US Citizens: Ask Your Representative to Support the Traveling Exotic Animal Protection Act!
US Representative Jim Moran of Virginia has introduced the Traveling Exotic Animal Protection Act (TEAPA), which would prohibit circuses from exhibiting any animal who had been transported within fifteen days.
US voters, please read more here and then contact your congressperson.
The Human Cost of Animal Suffering: NYT
Mark Bittman has written a thoughtful, balanced, must-read piece for the New York Times, making a compelling case for all of us (including especially omnivores) to inform ourselves about the suffering of animals in the modern meat industry so that we can make more conscious choices and contribute to a healthier society, not only nutritionally but also psychologically.
Please take a moment to read this well-considered piece on the NYT website and share it with others.
Circus Boycott: Alec Baldwin on the Plight of Circus Animals
Actor Alec Baldwin speaks out about the mistreatment of circus animals and advocates a boycott of circuses that include animal “performances” in this video.
Mars Candy Company Kills Animals
In case blood chocolate wasn’t reason enough for one to boycott the products of Mars Candy Company, here’s another compelling reason: Mars does completely unnecessary animal testing and kills animals. Watch the video and take action.